Communications Act 2015
As a Ministry:
- to advise the Minister on all matters concerning the national communications sector policy objectives and policies;
- to perform functions and exercise powers conferred on the Ministry under this Act and other applicable laws;
- to oversee and manage the allocation of the Government's orbital satellite slot interests;
- to oversee and manage the registration and allocation of domain names under Tonga’s internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) ".to";
- to ensure the observation and enforcement of international communications conventions and practices;
- to liaise with foreign governments on the communications sector and other related matters;
- to enforce section 96 of Communications Act 2015;
- to perform such other functions or exercise such other powers conferred on the Ministry by the Communications Act 2015; and
- subject to the powers and functions conferred on the Regulator under this Act, to perform any other functions consistent with the objects of this Act, as notified by the Minister from time to time.
Click here to download the Communications Act 2015
Communications Commission Act 2015
As a Regulator:
- to advise the Minister on all matters concerning the national communications sector policy objectives and policies;
- to monitor, and report to the Minister on, all significant matters relating to the communications sector and the licensing of persons that provide communications services;
- to give effect to policy directions of the Minister as required by the Communications Act 2015;
- to be responsible for control, planning, administration, management and licensing of the radio frequency spectrum in the Kingdom;
- to be responsible for control, planning, administration, management, and assignment of the numbering of communications services;
- to manage Tonga’s input into the setting of international standards for telecommunications;
- to make available to the public information about matters relating to the communications sector;
- to impose, collect and administer fees and levies imposed by the Communication Act 2015;
- to enforce the provisions of this Act other than as provided in section 96 of the Communication Act 2015;
- to perform functions and exercise powers conferred on the Regulator by the Communications Commission Act;
- to perform such other functions or exercise such other powers conferred on the Regulator by the Communication Act 2015; and
- to perform any other functions consistent with the objects of the Communication Act 2015; as specified in a declaration made by the Minister.
Click here to download the Communications Commission Act 2015