WFP led Pacific Emergency Telecommunication Cluster (ETC) - Analysis of Organizational Training Needs (AOTN) Workshop.

31st July, 2024 - The UN WFP-led Pacific Emergency Telecommunication Cluster (ETC) in partnership with Department of Communication, Ministry of MEIDECC conducted a workshop based on the Analysis of Organizational Training Needs. The workshop was organized by the ETC Pacific representatives Mr. Alexander Thomas (Head of TEC and ETC Pacific Coordinator WFP) and Mr. Wayne Ffoulkes (WFP-led Pacific ETC Training Development Officer).

This workshop continues to reflect on the commitment of the ETC Pacific in supporting and strengthening of the ICT capacity of the Pacific National Government Agencies, regulatory bodies as well as partners from the humanitarian sector in preparing and responding to emergencies through the utilization of effective communication systems and networks.


Issued by the: Department of Communications (MEIDECC)

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